Marshall Health and Mountain Health Network join Peak Health

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Marshall Health and Mountain Health Network have joined the West Virginia University Health System (WVU Medicine) as owners of Peak Health, a West Virginia-based health insurance company formed in 2021 with the mission of making healthcare more accessible, understandable, and collaborative. Peak Health’s goal is to build an inclusive, provider-led health plan to help West Virginians live healthier and fuller lives.
“Marshall Health, Mountain Health, and WVU Medicine share the common vision of creating a healthier West Virginia,” Ben Gerber, president of Peak Health, said. “Peak Health really is about empowering people to reach new heights with their health, and they will be able to do so through the community-based, provider-led model of care we are building. We are excited for other health systems to collaborate with us as well.”
“In meeting our mission of improving the well-being of all we serve, we are pleased to join West Virginia- based Peak Health to drive better outcomes for patients,” Kevin W. Yingling, R.Ph., M.D., FACP, CEO of the Mountain Health Network and president of Cabell Huntington Hospital and St. Mary’s Medical Center, said. “While we will continue to work with many outstanding third-party administrators, we are pleased to participate in this dynamic program that is designed to help our families, neighbors, and friends. Together with our academic partner, Marshall Health, we look forward to collaborating with Peak Health to achieve measurable outcomes for patients.”
“Joining Peak Health is a tremendous opportunity to begin turning the tide on health outcomes in West Virginia,” Beth L. Hammers, M.B.A., chief executive officer, Marshall Health, said. “Peak Health’s home- grown approach is an excellent opportunity to create jobs and keep more of our economic resources here in West Virginia and will allow us to reinvest in our communities across the state.”
“We have some hard work ahead of us in getting West Virginia healthier, and we’re excited and honored to have Marshall Health and Mountain Health Network – both outstanding healthcare providers and West Virginia staples – join our efforts,” Albert L. Wright, Jr., Peak Health’s board chair and president and CEO of the WVU Health System, said. “Through Peak Heath, we have the opportunity to change the health trajectory of the state, and we invite other hospitals and health systems to join us.”
Peak Health will begin serving as a benefit administrator for approximately 30,000 WVU Medicine employees and dependents on January 1, 2023. Peak Health expects to enter the consumer market in 2024 with low-cost Medicare Advantage products as well as innovative solutions for self-funded employers.
About Marshall Health
Marshall Health is the clinical enterprise of Marshall University and its Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. Marshall Health brings together a comprehensive care team of 400 providers in 75 areas of primary and specialty care. As part of an academic health system, Marshall Health is committed to improving access to care throughout southern West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky through advanced technologies and research that benefit its patients and the communities it serves. To learn more, visit
About Mountain Health
Mountain Health Network is a West Virginia-based not-for-profit health delivery system comprised of Cabell Huntington Hospital, a 303-bed teaching hospital for Marshall University Schools of Medicine,
Pharmacy and Nursing; St. Mary’s Medical Center, a 393-bed teaching hospital that operates St. Mary’s Schools of Nursing, Respiratory Care, and Medical Imaging; Hoops Family Children’s Hospital, a 72-bed pediatric specialty hospital within Cabell Huntington Hospital; HIMG, a 60-member multi-specialty physician group; and a management agreement with Pleasant Valley Hospital, a 101 acute-bed hospital. Mountain Health is committed to improving the health and well-being of over one million children and adults in 23 counties in West Virginia, southern Ohio, and eastern Kentucky through understanding, respecting, and meeting their needs. To learn more, visit
About the WVU Health System
The West Virginia University Health System is West Virginia’s largest health system and the State’s largest employer. With 2,000 licensed beds and 2,000 active medical staff, the Health System includes 16 hospitals, including a 675-bed academic medical center in Morgantown, West Virginia; seven community hospitals; and eight critical access hospitals. The Health System also manages three hospitals and is building a new 150-bed Children’s Hospital on its main medical campus. To learn more, visit